Hearing Aids

Hearing loss can be an overwhelming and Isolating experience. Not only does it involve losing a vital sense you’ve relied on your entire life, but many people also feel themselves losing connection to their friends, family and the world around them.

Fortunately, with today’s advanced technology and training, there are solutions available. Hearing aids can help restore that vital link we have to the world around us, and there are many options to choose from.

We are your Independent hearing aid specialists

Hear and Clear Care is locally owned and independent of manufacturers and large corporations. The advice we give is independent, objective and based solely on your needs. We are under no pressure to recommend particular brands or steer you in any particular direction.

As your audiologist, our sole objective is to recommend what we think is the best solution for your particular circumstances.

The benefits of Hearing aids

Reduce Risk of dementia

Research has shown that individuals with untreated hearing loss are more likely to develop dementia. This is because there will be areas of the brain, where sound is processed that won’t be getting stimulation. Using hearing aids, can help to stimulate these areas again and reactivate all these brain pathways.

Maintain Old relationships, build new ones

Communication is the biggest factor in the relationships we have with other people. Those who experience hearing loss often find it difficult to talk and connect with family and friends. With the help of hearing aids, the ability to interact is restored, and many people experience a resurgence of confidence.

Maintain Your independence

Independence is a big issue, particularly for seniors. The ability to maintain it is strongly linked to healthier minds and bodies. The ability to hear and listen to the world around us is key to staying independent and doing things for ourselves.

Improve Your mental health

Hearing loss can be isolating, which can have a negative impact on our mental health. With hearing restored, not only can we interact better with other people, but we can listen to our favourite music, watch our favourite programs and listen to the sounds of nature – all of which contributes to a healthy and happy mind.

Hearing aid consultation

If you feel you are experiencing a hearing loss, please do not hesitate to book an appointment with Hear and Clear Care today. We can help determine the best solution for you.